Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Distance Learning

Distance learning is a very interesting topic. It takes many forms but in most cases, it takes the student out of the classroom and allows them to access course material, turn in work, and take test from remote locations. This type of curriculum is becoming widely accepted and used in classes on all levels of education. There are many benefits to this including allowing those who a distanced geographically or in other outstanding situations to be educated. High schools allow virtual classrooms for students who aren't in school, need other classes that can't fit on their schedule, or just want to explore another course. I took one class in Florida Virtual School myself. What is more popular is distance education in post-high school curriculum. There are many courses offered on college campuses that are strictly online. I know I've taken a few. This form of education is very expensive whether the cost be for the provider or deferred to the user and security over the Internet is always an issue.

Distance education can be helpful in any field. In many instances, people start their career and realize they want to do post-graduate work. Many jobs will pay for this while you still work for the company but it is difficult to truly go to school and work a full time job. Many turn to online coursework through universities. The University of Phoenix is a well known online education institution that many people have received degrees from the school. I know I want to go directly into the advertising field after I graduate so I will probably resort to an online university to further my education.

There are so many resources like this where you can find information about distance learning coursework. I know I saw an ad for an online marketing program from the University of San Francisco based out of Tampa and immediately got interested. That is potentially what I will go with when I decide to continue my education. With Google at peoples' disposal, finding distance education programs of any sort should be hard at all.

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