Thursday, February 11, 2010

21st Century Skills

21st century skills are a blend of content knowledge, specific skills, expertise and literacies that a essentials to succeed in our world too. There are several core subjects when it comes to 21st century skills as well: English, reading or language arts, World languages, Arts, Mathematics, Economics, Science, Geography, History and Government and Civics. After the general knowledge of these subjects is assessed, students must be able to comprehend and apply them to life, which is what I take as literacy, in terms of 21st century interdisciplinary themes. I feel that the overarching reason we have this skill set is to apply technological advances to problem solving so we can have more comprehensive and intelligent solutions.

These skills are ABSOLUTELY essential to success in the advertising field. A comprehensive tool box of the skills can help a student candidate become an amazing asset to firm's or company's team. To me, the themes become more important than having a grasp on the subjects. For instance, a sense of global awareness is truly imperative to understanding consumers, products and trends as extending your sights to the international level can open and explain so much more. The skills and tools that are also described can surely not only help candidates within my field but candidates in ANY field. I understand why 21st century skills are important and I support a stress being put on them.

Following suit with some of our more intriguing videos we have seen in class, this fairly new YouTube video analyzes 21st century skills, where we stand with it and even where we should go with it (broadly). It uses information presented i class but expands on it to present better understanding of the material. I agree with the video, especially since statistics were shown. School is to prepare students to work. If there are deficiencies in candidates in terms of what employers what, then we have a major problem.

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